Kate is with Sister Coles in Poznan ~
When I emailed you last, it had been a really discouraging week. We had to stop teaching Ekin, we decided to stop teaching some of our other investigators because they just weren't progressing, and a lot of the people we set up meetings with stood us up. But starting last Monday, when I last emailed you, everything totally changed. People started calling us, everybody we set up with showed up to the meeting and we had at least one amazing lesson every day, and we saw miracles right and left.
Saturday- Had a wonderful meeting with Tadeusz. The fact that the meeting happened at all was a miracle in and of itself. First of all, Sister Coles was inspired to call on Wednesday, when Tadeusz was at home. We agreed to meet in front of the Catholic church on Grochowska, but before Saturday, we didn't realize that there were actually two churches on Grochowska and we weren't sure which one Taduesz meant. Sister Coles and I went to the one that we thought would be the most likely, and waited there until noon (the time we had agreed to meet), until we Sister Coles remembered his address and we realized that the other church was closer to where he lives. We ran towards the other church, caught a bus that happening to be going by just at the right time, and arrived at the other church 10 minutes past noon. After walking around a little bit, we ran into Tadeusz, who had also been a little bit late. We sat down on one of the benches outside and had a powerful lesson about the restoration right there. It was a beautiful, unually warm day for February, and Tadeusz was sensitive enough to feel the power of our message. We told him that feeling was the Spirit, and we have a meeting with him again next week, same time, same place!
So it turns out that the hardest times precede the best times on a mission just like in life- and just like food also tastes better the hungrier you are, the Lord tests us a little before blessing us more than we would have ever imagined. That way we learn, grow, become stronger, and are even more grateful and happy when things start going our way again. :)
I got a postcard from Kate a couple days ago, but it was water-damaged and I could barely read anything on it! Even her address was all smudged up. Maybe someone can get her address to me so I can write her back? The picture on the front was super cute and it sounds like K8 is doing GR8!