Kate's letter March 3
Last Sunday we had a couple from Norway in church. The wife had studied in Poznań for 6 years, and they were back visiting for a couple of days. The husband (originally from Austria) bore his testimony and Elder Huff translated for him. It was really a good meeting. Our investigator Robert, after not hearing from him for a few weeks, randomly called us Sunday morning to say he'd be in church! He came, and stayed for break the fast- where everyone in the branch brings food to share and we all break our fast together after church. I sat between Robert and Teresa, the elders' investigator, and got to talk to both of them the whole time. It was really fun- they're both really cool people. Teresa comes to church every week and she comes to all of the branch and Relief Society activities, she just needs to get baptized! Robert is a family counselor for his career and also counsels families to turn to God and religion to solve their problems. He's super cool and down to earth- I hope we can keep meeting with him.
This week is going to be crazy one- we have zone conference in Warsaw on Thursday and then I'm heading up to Szczecin for exchanges, and then next Tuesday we find out where we're all going to be for the next 2 months!
From Kate's letter Feb 24 ~
This week we actually had more members in church than missionaries, which we were really happy about :) There are only a couple more weeks left in the transfer, and I have a feeling I'm not staying in Poznań this time. I wonder where I'll go? I can't imagine doing missionary anywhere else, or not having service every Friday and teaching Institute every Saturday. But it's possible that I'll stay in Poznań too. I won't know for sure until the week after next!
This last week was Tłusty Czwartek (Fat Thursday), a Polish holiday where you eat as many donuts as you possibly can. We had a branch party, and we had a contest between the missionaries to see who could eat their donut the fastest without using their hands. I got some really good pictures, and some really beautiful pictures of Poznań as well, but I can't find a computer that will let me upload them so I can send them to you. I'll get them burned to a CD this week and try to do it that way.
Tonight President Engbjerg is coming into Poznań for interviews, and he's going to film us bearing our testimonies in Polish and send it to you! I'm assuming he's going to send it by email again, so be excited for that! I'm excited for you to get it. You'll be able to see what my companion and each of the missionaries in my district here in Poznań are actually like.
We had a really fun week this week, I told Owen about it in the email I just sent him. Sister Coles and I challenged the elders to a scavenger hunt yesterday to make our regular day to day missionary work more fun and exciting. Also yesterday Sister Coles and I headed out to a small town outside of Poznań, called Swarzdęnz, to see if we could visit an inactive member who lives there. Mariola wasn't at home, but we left a note with a scripture that we found for her that morning, and the Liahona from this last general conference.
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